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Spirulina Schneweis extracts of polle Shinbang cleanse(kidney and bladder cleanse)
Queen diet

Schneweis extracts of polle

Products information: Schneweis extracts of pollen are abundant nutrients which is helpful to the strengthening and the maintaining of the health of the modern men who can easily lose their health.
*To provide nutrition for recuperation after disease.
*To give a balanced nutrition.
*To increase an immunity and to awake healthy skin.
*To give a vitality of life and a smooth replacement.
*To provide essential nutrients for the beauty of the female.

Twice a day with a natural fresh water, each in the morning and in the even

extracts of pollen, a jailitor, a colagen, a powder of a soy bean, a mixture of lectic ferments, a sistin, extracts of tea, an extracted powder of red-clover, an extracted powder of grape seeds, an extracted powder of angelica gigas, an extracted powder of rehmannia glutinosa an extracted powder of Brzilnuts, a various vitamin and an inorganic matter.

5g ×120bags (two months dosage)