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Dangsal tea

A chief material, bananas, plus cholosorin acid extracted from various herbal plants help to absorb glucose into the body cells, which means the decrease of blood sugar. The chloroline acid helps to increase the effect of Insulin and play the role of restraining the absorption of blood sugar in the intestinal tract.

Dangsal tea is effective to decrease of sugar blood to high blood pressure and obesity. Generally, a normal person used to drink tea to keep a low blood pressure, but Dangsal tea has no toxin and it is likely to affect the normal blood sugar. Moreover, it restrains us from increasing blood sugar, which supports the body to keep a good condition, namely, whoever drinks it can be safe.

3 times a day, a tea-paper bag can be used 2-3 times. It is drinkable anytime after, before and between

banana, chrysanthemum, Liliaceae etc...

1g x 90 bag